Since starting this program I have not had a lot of time to sit down and be creative. Even now, I was tempted to leave this journal entry for later, so that I could work on other assignments, which has been a bit of a trend with me and some of my ongoing journal/blog post assignments across my classes. The great thing about art is that I often use it to relax, which I haven’t done since before September. I still didn’t have a lot of extra time this weekend, but I do take breaks, so why not spend my break making a little bit of art?

I decided to do realism and juxtaposition, and this is what I came up with in the two hours I set aside. It was nice to unplug for once and get my hands dirty. I’ve missed this. These pieces are in no way perfect, but I enjoyed the process, and am reminded to give myself time to decompress and be creative, even when I am constantly feeling overwhelmed.

realism vs juxtaposition, Rena Kanya, watercolour and pen